Associate Professor Hongze Wang joins our journal team

Name: Hongze Wang

Title: Associate Professor

Position: Editorial Board Member

Affiliation: School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

Research Interest: innovative manufacturing processes and systems; laser additive manufacturing; laser hybrid manufacturing; in-situ imaging of manufacturing process


Publications(Scopus/WoS/Google scholar/etc.):


Dr. Wang’s major research interests include innovative manufacturing processes and systems, particularly in the area of laser additive manufacturing and hybrid manufacturing. His work has made fundamental contributions to the understanding of the relationship among manufacturing process, microstructure of the material, and performance of the product. His research has integrated analytical and numerical simulation methods, control and sensors to manufacturing processes. He has published about 50 technical articles, including over 20 journal articles, and 1 awarded patent. He has given over 20 invited talks.