Professor Laichang Zhang joins our journal team
Name: Laichang Zhang
Title: Professor
Position: Editor in Chief
Affiliation: School of Engineering, Edith Cowan University, Perth, WA 6027, Australia
Research Interest: Metal additive manufacturing; Ti alloys; nanostructured materials; metallic biomaterials; mechanical behavior; 3D printing; Alloy development, processing, microstructure and properties of light-weight alloys; Nanocrystalline materials and metallic glasses
Publications(Scopus/WoS/Google scholar/etc.):
Laichang Zhang is Professor of Materials Engineering in ECU’s School of Engineering.
Prof Laichang Zhang was awarded his PhD of Materials Engineering at the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Laichang is currently a Professor of Materials Engineering and Program Leader Mechanical Engineering in the School of Engineering. Prior to joining the Edith Cowan University, Dr Zhang has worked at The University of Western Australia (Perth, Australia) in 2009-2012, University of Wollongong (Wollongong, Australia) in 2007-2009, Leibniz-Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW) Dresden (Dresden, Germany) in 2006-2007 and Darmstadt University of Technology (Darmstadt, Germany) in 2005-2006.
Prof Laichang Zhang has considerable expertise and extensive cross-disciplinary research activities in advanced manufacturing of different types of materials (including nanocrystalline / ultrafine-grained materials, bulk metallic glasses, biomaterials, and high-strength steels) and the understanding of their processing, microstructure and properties (e.g. mechanical properties, fatigue properties, corrosion behavior and catalytic performance). Laichang has extensively contributed to a number of research grants supported by Australian Research Council, European Union, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Science and Technology of China.