Professor Shoujin Sun joins our journal team

Name: Shoujin Sun

Title: Professor

Position: Editorial Board Member

Affiliation: School of Engineering and Built Environment, Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD 4111, Australia

Research Interest: Machining; Alloys; Mechanical Behavior of Materials; Microstructure; Materials; Materials Processing; Advanced manufacturing; Additive manufacturing; High-speed machining; Metals and Alloys


Publications(Scopus/WoS/Google scholar/etc.):


Professor Shoujin Sun is working in the School of Engineering and Built Environment and Advanced Design and Prototyping Technologies Institute at Griffith University.
Professor Sun is an internationally recognized researcher in the advanced manufacturing of titanium alloys including laser materials processing, high-speed machining and additive manufacturing. He received his Bachelor of Engineering degree from Northeastern University, China in 1985, Master of Engineering degree from the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1988 and his PhD degree from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand in 1998. Professor Shoujin Sun has conducted his research into the processing and characterization of metal and carbon matrix composite materials, laser materials processing, materials deformation of metals during high-speed marching and additive manufacturing (3D printing) in the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Canterbury in New Zealand, University of Leicester in the United Kingdom, National Research Institute for Metals (currently known as National Institute for Materials Science) in Japan, RMIT University and Swinburne University of Technology in Australia. He has received multiple national and international research awards including the 1st class of Science and Technology Progress Award by Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2nd class of Chinese National Science and Technology Progress Award, Commercialization Award by CAST CRC, Gordon Dunlop Award for Scientific Excellence in Research Leading to a Technological Achievement by CAST CRC, and most recently the prestigious Thatcher Bros Prize 2017 by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), UK.