Professor Wei Zhou joins our journal team

Name: Wei Zhou

Title: Professor

Position: Editorial Board Member

Affiliation: Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Molecular Engineering, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences), Jinan, Shandong, 250353, PR China

Research Interest: Design and synthesis of nanomaterials; ordered mesoporous titanium dioxide; nanocrystalline semiconductor materials and organic polymer semiconductor materials; structural control, heterostructural construction; surface interface modification and defect control of nanomaterials, environmental pollution control and solar energy conversion in photocatalysis, photothermal catalysis and photocatalysis


Publications(Scopus/WoS/Google scholar/etc.):


Prof. Dr. Wei Zhou received his PhD degree in 2009 from Jilin University, China. Afterwards, he worked at Heilongjiang University, and he became a full professor in 2015. From 2019, he joined Qilu University of Technology as a full professor. His research interests include mesoporous materials, semiconductor nanomaterials for solar energy conversion, photocatalysis, photothermal and photoelectrochemical performance.