Professor Jieshan Qiu joins our journal team

Name: Jieshan Qiu

Title: Professor

Position: Editorial Board Member

Affiliation: College of Chemical Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China

Research Interest: functional carbon materials with a focus on production-structure-application performance in energy conversion and storage, capacitive deionization technique, etc.


Publications(Scopus/WoS/Google scholar/etc.):

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6892-6665

Jieshan Qiu, Cheung-Kong Distinguished Professor of Carbon Science and Chemical Engineering, and Dean of Chemical Engineering College at Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China. He obtained his first degree (1984) from Anhui University of Technology, China; and master's degree (1987) and Ph.D. (1990), both from Dalian University of Technology, China. He is an internationally recognized research and thought leader in chemical engineering and carbon science. His research encompasses both fundamental and applied aspects of carbon materials and science, with a focus on the methodologies of producing carbon materials for energy storage and conversion, catalysis, and environment protection.