Benefits of Publishing in a Special Issue

Special Issues offer several advantages to authors and readers:

  1. Greater Discoverability: Articles published in Special Issues benefit from enhanced discoverability and increased citation rates compared to spontaneously submitted articles. This is due to their inclusion within a thematic collection, facilitating connectivity within the article collection.

  2. Ease of Navigation: Clustering papers within specific topics aids scholars in easily navigating through the content of broad scope journals. This organization helps readers locate relevant research more efficiently.

  3. External Promotion: Special Issue articles are often promoted through the journal's social media channels dedicated to relevant subject areas. This external promotion boosts visibility and readership, reaching a broader audience.

  4. Rigorous Peer-Review: Special Issue articles undergo the same rigorous and independent peer-review process as regular submissions. They are typically handled by a Guest Editor who is an influential researcher in the discipline, ensuring high-quality review standards.

  5. Expand Your Research Network: Special Issues provide an opportunity to connect with new collaborators among the authors of other manuscripts published within the collection. This fosters networking and collaboration within the research community.