Reviewers Criteria

Reviewers are required to meet the following criteria:

•    Hold no conflicts of interest with any of the authors;
•    Should not be affiliated with the same institution as the authors;
•    Should not have co-authored publications with the authors within the last three years;
•    Hold a PhD or MD (applicable for medical journals);
•    Have relevant experience and a proven publication record in the field of the submitted paper (Scopus, ORCID);
•    Are experienced scholars in the field of the submitted paper;
•    Hold an official and recognized academic affiliation.

We are committed to rigorous and high-quality peer review to ensure a thorough evaluation of each manuscript—a fundamental task for our reviewers and a badge of honor for our review-ers. Reviewers accepting manuscripts for review should:
1.    Possess the professional knowledge required to judge the quality of manuscripts;
2.    Provide high-quality review reports and actively participate in the entire peer review process;
3.    Maintain professionalism and ethical standards.