Editorial Board Responsibilities


The Editor-in-Chief is a champion of the journal and their discipline. They supervise journal activities, with the aim to ensure success of the journal within the scientific community. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the scientific quality and development of the journal. The Editor-in-Chief is expected to maintain connection to the Editorial Board and assist the Editorial Office in the management of the journal. The initial term is for 2 years, which entails:

Acting as ambassador for the journal and Open Access publishing;

  1. Scientific decisions about the journal's scope;
  2. Inviting distinguished scientists to join the Editorial Board;
  3. Suggesting topics for Special Issues;
  4. Providing support and guidance to Section Editors-in-Chief, Editorial Board Members and Editorial Staff where required;
  5. Maintaining oversight of the editorial process for individual manuscripts (mainly by making the final decision regarding whether or not a paper can be published after peer-review and revisions);
  6. Understanding, leading and upholding our peer review guidelines and ethics guidelines;
  7. Group a strong Editorial Broad Member Team;
  8. Chairing the annual Editorial Board Meeting.

Section Editor-in-Chief

The Section Editor-in-Chief is a leader in their particular field, and is responsible for the scientific quality of a particular section of a journal. The Section Editor-in-Chief is expected to oversee the growth and development of the journal Sections and its board members. The initial term is for 2 years, which entails:

Acting as ambassador for the journal and Open Access publishing;

  1. Scientific decisions about the scope of their section;
  2. Inviting distinguished scientists to join the Editorial Board;
  3. Suggesting topics for Special Issues;
  4. Providing support and guidance to Editorial Board Members and Editorial Staff where required;
  5. Maintaining oversight of the editorial process for individual manuscripts in their section (mainly by making the final decision regarding whether or not a paper can be published after peer-review and revisions);
  6. Group a strong Editorial Broad Member Team;
  7. Understanding, leading and upholding our peer review guidelines and ethics guidelines.

Both Editorial Board Members and Section Board Members play crucial roles in the functioning of a journal and contribute significantly to its success. Here's an overview of their responsibilities and commitments:

Editorial Board Members:

1. Final Decision Making: Responsible for making final decisions on manuscripts within their area of expertise, ensuring the quality and relevance of published content.
2. Special Issue Editing: Organize and edit Special Issues on topics relevant to their research interests, fostering scholarly discourse and knowledge dissemination.
3. Attracting Authors: Help attract expert authors to contribute manuscripts and invite young scholars to join advisory panels, thereby enriching the journal's content and diversity.
4. Policy Input: Provide input and feedback on journal policies, contributing to the continuous improvement and development of the publication.
5. Journal Promotion: Assist in promoting the journal within their professional networks, at conferences, and through various channels to increase visibility and readership.
6. Board Meetings: Attend board meetings to discuss journal development strategies, share insights, and contribute to decision-making processes.
7. Manuscript Review: Review submitted manuscripts within their expertise area, ensuring thorough evaluation and maintaining high standards of scholarship.
8. Recommend suitable scholars to join our Editorial Board Members team.

Section Board Members:

1. Decision Making: Make decisions on new submissions within their assigned journal section, ensuring alignment with the section's focus and scope.
2. Special Issue Editing: Assist in editing Special Issues related to their section, contributing to the development of focused content within the journal.
3. Policy Input: Provide input and feedback on journal policies specific to their section, ensuring effective management and adherence to standards.
4.  Journal Promotion: Promote the journal within their professional community, focusing on their specific section, and contribute to its growth and visibility.
5. Board Meetings: Attend meetings to discuss strategies for section development, share insights, and contribute to decision-making processes.
6. Manuscript Review: Review manuscripts submitted to their section, ensuring thorough evaluation and maintaining the section's standards of quality and relevance.
7. Recommend suitable scholars to join our Editorial Board Members team.

Overall, both types of board members play essential roles in ensuring the quality, relevance, and growth of the journal, contributing their expertise, insights, and efforts to advance scholarly communication in their respective fields.