Special Issue Proposals

Submitting a proposal for a Special Issue involves several key components to ensure its success. Here's a detailed guide to help you through the process:

  • 1. Journal Title: Specify the journal title you're submitting the proposal to. Ensure that your proposed topic aligns with the scope of the journal.
  • 2. Tentative Title: Provide a clear and concise title for the Special Issue that reflects the subject of interest.
  • 3. Submission Deadline: Determine a submission deadline for the Special Issue, typically ranging from 6 to 12 months.
  • 4. List of Guest Editors: Include the names, affiliations, contact information, research interests, and optionally ORCID account details of the Guest Editors. Consider inviting 1–3 colleagues or scholars to co-edit the Special Issue with you if necessary, and define each person's responsibilities.
  • 5. Summary and Keywords: Provide a brief summary (150 words) outlining the motivation behind the Special Issue, the main topic, areas covered, and suitable types of submissions. Include relevant keywords (5–8 words).
  • 6. Planned Papers or Potential Authors: Provide information for at least eight planned papers or a list of at least 20 potential authors. Include their names, emails, affiliations, and optionally the tentative title of their planned papers. Be prepared to propose more papers than you expect to include, as not all planned papers may be suitable for publication after peer review.
  • 7. Call for Papers Letter: Optionally, include a customized Call for Papers letter prepared by the Guest Editor(s). This letter will invite scholars to submit their research to the Special Issue and should briefly describe the Special Issue's theme and encourage potential contributors to submit their work.
  • 8. Promotion Plan: Optionally, outline your plan to promote the Special Issue. Explain how you intend to advertise the Special Issue and attract potential contributors. Also, specify how the journal's editorial office can assist you in this endeavor.
  • 9. Previous Experience: Provide details of any previous experience as a Guest Editor for Hilltopub journals, if applicable.

Once you have gathered all the required information, submit your proposal via the journal's website. The Editorial Team and Editor-in-Chief will review the proposal, ensuring its relevance and suitability for the journal.